Frequently Asked Questions
Grand Canyon 2016
Who We Are
Q. When and where does your Crew meet?
A. Crew 27 currently meets at Beref0rd Park on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 7:00-8:30 PM.
Q. How old is your Crew?
A. Crew 27 was founded in 1999 as an outgrowth of the Troop 27 Instructor Corp. The Crew is co-ed with ages ranging from 14 to 21 years old.
Q. How often has your Crew achieved Quality Unit/Journey to Excellence status?
A. Crew 27 has achieved that status every year since its founding.
Q. Who can I contact for more information?
A. V27’s Venturing Crew Advisor can be reached using our contact page.
What We Do
Q. Do you have an active outdoor program? How often do you camp?
A. Outdoor High Adventure is the focus of our Crew. Crew 27 has outings 12 months of the year, most of which include camping. Generally the activities include hiking, climbing, kayaking, white water rafting, shooting, canoeing, riding, orienteering, or skiing as well as service projects.
Q. Where do you camp?
A. We have camped at national, international, state and county parks, Scout camps and KOA’s. Sometimes we camp in the wilderness where there are no established camps.
Q. What is a Super Trip and where do you go?
A. Each year we do a super activity called a Super Trip involving an extended camping trip and selected high adventure activities for anywhere from 10 days to 2 weeks. We have been to eleven states, six countries, and four continents.
Q. What equipment do you have?
A. Crew 27 has tents, tarps, stoves, cookware, climbing gear, a CPR dummy, first aid kits and a crew resource library. We encourage our members to acquire their own sleeping bag and pad but no one has ever missed a Crew outing because there was no gear available to support them.
Q. How active is your Crew at District and Council events?
A. Crew 27 supports the District and Council by participating in appropriate events. We have had an active presence at Klondike Derby, District and Council Camporees, Webelos Extreme, Redwood Rendezvous. and the Council Christmas tree lot.
Q. What is your philosophy regarding training and advancement?
A. There are no ranks in Venturing. Awards are recognition for the achievement of established skill levels. Crew 27 encourages each new member to to learn basic outdoor skills during the first year, if they do not already have them. After that the youth may work at their own pace towards Ranger & Summit. Help is always available for those working toward an award. We have youth that have attained major awards in the past (see Crew History/Awards). Youth that are dual registered with a Troop (such as T27) are encouraged to continue their rank advancement and many young people from the Crew have earned Eagle.
Q. Are your Crew Members able to balance Crew with other activities such as sports, band, church, etc.?
A. Yes. Many of our youth have other activities and we understand they are not able to attend all of our functions. But they still can participate in Crew 27.
Q. If I am a member of another Crew, a Troop, or Girl Scouts, can I retain that membership and still join Crew 27?
A. Yes. We have had youth who were members of Girl Scouts, Sea Scouts, other Crews, and Troops. The only Troop we coordinate schedules with is Troop 27. If you are dual registered you should know that there may be conflicts between the meetings and activities of Crew 27 and your other organizations. We try to be very flexible in dealing with this. On the other hand, you should be aware that a big part of your personal growth comes from helping to plan and lead Crew activities. The more time and attention you can devote to the Crew, the more you will get out of the Crew experience.
Getting Started
Q. How do you feel about a potential crew member (and parent) visiting a meeting unannounced?
A. That’s fine. All of our regular meetings are open to the public. But if we have a real busy schedule that evening don’t be disappointed if we can’t spend as much time with you as we’d like. If you are 14 years old, or 13 and have completed 8th grade, or you are approaching this point (it is less than 6 months away), we would love to have you stop by and see who we are and what we do in person. Due to Super Trip and Troop 27’s summer camp, some meetings in the summer are cancelled. Please contact the Venturing Crew Advisor to check if we are meeting.
Q. How are new Crew members handled?
A. New (and prospective) members are welcome at all meetings and outings. If a new member would like, a youth mentor is assigned to help them integrate with the Crew. We are always looking for new members and do our best to make them feel part of the group.
Q. How do new Crew members learn what to do to become experienced Crew members (camping skills, activities, advancement, etc.)? Will they have an experienced youth or adult working with them?
A. New Crew members will learn from the older Crew members, their Crew officers, the adult leaders, and by reviewing Venturing material. Many skills are covered in group instruction at Crew meetings and on camping trips and outings. For specialized skills, like scuba, we use commercial vendors.
Q. Is your Crew “youth-run” or “adult-run?”
A. Our Crew is youth run with adult guidance and mentoring. The primary leadership comes from an elected group of youth officers who are governed by a youth generated set of Crew bylaws and by the standards and objectives of both our sponsor and Boy Scouts of America (BSA).
Q. What is the youth/adult leader ratio at meetings and on outings?
A. BSA requires a minimum of two responsible adults at all meetings and on all outings. On a typical outing there will be 2 to 4 adult advisors, no matter the number of youth.
Q. Are the current adult leaders trained?
A. All V27 adult leaders are trained in Youth Protection. The Venturing Advisor and most AVA’s have taken Basic Leader Training and some have Advanced Outdoor Training. Many leaders also have Wilderness First Aid Training and Safe Swim/Safe Boating training.
Q. What are the expectations/requirements for adults/parents new to this?
A. Crew 27 does not have parent requirements, but as we operate on volunteer labor we encourage all adults who are able and willing to be assistant leaders, committee members, special event chairpersons, event workers, or other mentors.
Q. How do you communicate with scouts and families?
A. Most of our communication is by email.
Q. What are the financial obligations for each Youth for dues and outings?
A. Dues are $50 per year. Camp outs vary from $30 for a simple overnight or day trip to $130 for a climbing outing. The long super trips cost from $600 to $2,700 depending on length and whether it is domestic or international. Part of the money from fund raisers goes into each participating youth’s impound account and can be used to pay for dues or outings.
Q. What kind of fund raising do you have?
A. Crew 27 encourages, but does not require, the youth to participate in fundraising activities to support the monthly outings and Crew Super Trips. These include popcorn sales, holiday wreath and green sales, and our annual Pancake Breakfast.
Q. Is financial assistance available?
A. Yes, based on financial need, some campership money is available.
Q. Do you pay for or subsidize training for the youth (Youth Leader Training, Advanced Training, etc.)?
A. Sometimes if requested.
Identity and Recognition
Q. What is your philosophy on uniforms?
A. On the first meeting of the month the youth must wear their class A uniforms (official green shirt, gray pants). Class A is also required for flag ceremonies at summer camp and other outings, Courts of Honor, Scout Sunday and Memorial Day Grave decoration. For other crew/scout events any crew shirt (class B) may be worn.
Q. How often do you have “Courts of Honor”?
A. Crew/Troop 27 has two Courts of Honor each year. These are potluck dinners for the whole family where we celebrate the achievements of the last 6 months. They are held in March and September.