Every year Crew 27 plans and runs a treasure hunt for Troop 27, a troop we work very closely with. Every year has a different theme and in turn has different styles of events that are run. This year our theme was Pirates so every event that was run had some aspect of that involved. Some examples of this was using canoes to retrieve a clue from a ship sitting in “bomb infested waters”, using compass skills to find oranges to cure diseases, or using a hand held telescope to look at and decipher signal flags up on a hill. The troop members travel to different parks in the bay area, this time mostly along highway 1. Due to the heavy rains we had previously the park we wanting to end at was closed so we ended it back at the Congregational Church of Belmont and had a chili dinner together. Overall, it was a lot of fun to plan and run and from what has come back from the troop, they all had a lot of fun too. Can’t wait to do it again next year!
By Allie