On the weekend of the 3rd and 4th, Crew 27 embarked on a journey up north. We sojourned across California to the Sierras. We finally arrived at Dodge Ridge only to find that it was chock-a-block with skiers and the other snow-faring types, forcing us to head back down the mountain to find another spot off the road. Eventually, a location was found, the gear was unloaded, and the process of building shelters began. It was a bad snow year and only about a couple inches or so of snow covered the ground. We were forced to quarry out snow from far and wide to build up the snow for our shelters. When the shelters had been finished, night fell and we enjoyed our dehydrated meals before tucking ourselves into our sleeping bags to hopefully get a few hours of shut-eye. Unfortunately, the universe felt bad for not giving us any snow to build our shelters with and decided to dump a couple of feet on us overnight to make up for this deficit. Thankfully, most of the shelters survived, though some people got a rude awakening with a face full of snow around 5:00. In the morning, the snow turned to rain as the sun came up, and we were forced to leave before everyone got hypothermia. Though all the events seemed like they would ruin a trip, the Crew managed to make the most out of it and have a great time anyway.