The Crew went on a 50-mile canoe run down the Sacramento River with some of the older scouts from Troop 27. The trip spanned three days, with one night spent on the river itself! The group went to Sycamore Grove in Red Bluff to camp on Friday night to get an early start on the river the next day. After driving up to Redding to unload and set up catamarans, (for more stability) the group went onto the river around 1:00 PM after a delay due to parking issues. Roughly 25 miles were covered on that first day and we ended up camping that night at a sandy area just off the main channel of the river. There was a night full of fun and bonding with a successful campfire full of games and skits. The next day, the group was much more timely and was mostly river ready by 8:00 AM with minimal instruction from adults. After a lunch break, the group passed through China Rapids without any real issue. (which was thought to be the hardest part of the river run) The final and more slow and boring section of the river was brought to life with a huge splash fight involving all of the boats. (except the safety boats) Everyone was soaked head to toe from that final segment of the river and had a blast. The trip was really fun and we had such a good time, a longer style canoe trip like this is being considered for Super Trip 2020!
By Jared