The crew arrived early in the morning at Marlon Park for Scouting for Food. After drinking some coffee and eating some donuts the crew set out to collect nonperishable food from the surrounding neighborhoods. We went around politely knocking on doors and collected food on behalf of Second Harvest Food Bank. We ended up acquiring loads of food for a great cause and had fun doing it.
After that, the crew drove down to Coyote Valley Sporting Clays to shot some shotguns. The crew split into three groups and with a guide went around to different ranges with several clay launchers, each with a unique parabola. Some shot the clay high but slow while others had the clay shoot across the range at high speeds. One had the clays bounce around on the ground to mimic rabbits and another shot from over your head. Once we got good enough they launched two clays at the same time and had shoot them both out of the air. Overall we had a great time really enjoyed ourselves out there.
By Corey