Frydenlund's Ideas for Camporees

Collected and Edited by David Frydenlund (last revised in 2013)

Just for Fun


Give each patrol four 1.5 meter poles, several lengths of cord and a mousetrap. Mark out "river banks" 5 meters apart. Each patrol places its mousetrap on one river bank and cocks it, then lines up opposite it on the other side of the river. On signal, the Scouts lash together their poles to make a "fishing pole" and start angling. The first patrol to catch its snapper wins.

Alka-Seltzer Race

An Alka-Seltzer tablet is placed in a foil cake dish and the dish is floated in a large bucket or can of water. The patrol is required to transport the bucket through an obstacle course without the tablet getting wet or falling into the water. They are not allowed to touch the foil disk or the tablet. Points based on time and size of tablet at finish. All members of the patrol must participate.

Alka Seltzer Shooting

The patrol leader is given a string of alka seltzer tablets to hang from his neck. Each member of the patrol gets one shot from a water gun to try and dissolve the tablets. Patrol will rotate the patrol line until all the tablets are dissolved. All members of the patrol must participate. Points based on time. Soap Shrink:The patrol is given a new bar of soap and a large bucket filled with water. On "GO" the patrol races to shrink the bar of soap without breaking it. Patrol members take turns furiously "washing their hands" to shrink the soap. If a bar of soap breaks, it's disqualified. Continue until soap bar is less than 1/4 it's original thickness. Points based on time. All members of the patrol must participate.


Low stilts (2x4s with foot platforms six inches off the ground) with long handles (six foot) are used. Each Scout must go across a ten foot "stream" and then return. If he falls off, he must run back to the last bank he was on and start across again. Time ends when every Scout has crossed both ways successfully. Patrol score is the elapsed time divided by the number of Scouts. Low score wins.

Estimating Time

All members of the Patrol will sit or lie on their backs with their eyes closed. From a start signal they will wait for what they believe to be five (one?) minutes and then quietly raise their hand. The time when each hand goes up will be noted. Each Scout's score is the difference in seconds between when their hand went up and the actual time. The Patrol score is the average of the Scout scores. Low score wins.


Is practiced on an ordinary plank set up on edge, and you walk along it from end to end. The difficulty and sport of this game is added by carrying a flat board with a ball upon it, and he who crosses without dropping the ball wins the competition.

This can also be done as a team activity by putting two planks down in parallel. 2X4s laid flat work fine. Two Scouts at a time walk the planks carrying a board between with a tennis ball on the board. The score is done by counting the number of attempted trips needed to move five balls the length of the planks and step off the end with the ball on the board. Low score wins.